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Start Phase Operations - current information can be found here

Austria implements EU-Falsified Medicines Directive - Maximum Security for Patients

The Mission of AMVS

On behalf of AMVO AMVS GmbH runs a data repository which records all medicinal products supposed to prescription, that are placed on the Austrian market.

Each pack of a medicinal products can be clearly identified. This is to ensure that no falsified medicinal products can enter into the legal supply chain.

The EU falsified medicines directive foresees measures against the entering of falsified medicinal products into the legal supply chain.

These measures include the placing of safety features consisting of:

  • an unique identifier (2D datamatrix code)
  • a device against tampering of the outer package
Implementation of the EU Directive 2011/62
  • EU Directive published (2011)
  • Del. Regulation published (2016)
  • Foundation of AMVS (2017)
  • EU Directive implemented (09.02.2019)

On February 9, 2020 the stabilisation period ends and the start phase operations starts.

As of February 9, 2020 all verifying and dispensing locations in Austria must perform verifications, decommissionings and recommissionings according to the legal and contractual provisions.

The start phase operations shall provide all involved organisations with the opportunity to correct process and operator errors as well as implementation errors that occurred during the stabilisation period.

Information on the Start Phase Operations can be found here.

Start Phase Operations
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serialised packs in the Austrian system